forest gump review
Directed by: Robert zemeckis Written by: Winston groom Released: 7th October 1994 . Major cast: tom hanks, robin wright, Gary Sinies screen time: 2 h 22 mins This great family film is based off the novel by Winston groom. it is about a man called forest Gump (tom hanks)who sits on a bench and talk to strangers about his past and how he got to be sitting on that bench. He takes you through his past. This great drama takes us through many major events in time such as the Vietnam war and president Kennedy and many more. The meaning behind this film to me is that people with different ability have a different prospective and outlooks on life. As at the start of the film he was told he is stupid and couldn't get any where but ends up: fighting for his country, playing ping pong internationally, owning a really successful business, building a church and a hospital. He did most of this after earning a lot of money from his business that he promised his best friend bubba that he met...